Dec 31, 2008

New Years Resolution

Quit Eating Crap.

(I feel so gross. 2 weeks on vaycay has not helped my skinny jeans situation...)

Happy New Year!!!

Dec 19, 2008

Waiting for the Train

Max sent this. He is the one on the right. His companion is taller than him. 6'6'' and played offensive tackle for the AFA. Max is 6'4''. Wouldn't that be intimidating to open your door to...

personally, I love the heel click...

Dec 15, 2008

Stupid Dog

Mello is going back to the humane society. He bit Zoey in the face for the second time yesterday. Right in front of Damon and I. Zoey was giving him a hug and he didn't want it. There was no warning growl, or nip or anything. The first time broke skin, this last time was a small scratch. Still. Stupid dog. Stupid dog that I am so attached to. I feel terrible for sending him back, but at the same time want to throw him into a wall for biting my daughter. Stupid dog. He was perfect. Under 20 pounds, doesn't shed, and likes to snuggle. Stupid Dog. Now what am I going to do with all those dog sweaters...

Dec 9, 2008

My Carmel Nightmare

So this week my goal is to get the Christmas cards out, and treats to the neighbors and friends delivered. Enter carmels. I found a recipe that looked delicious. Sea Salt Carmels. Yum. I have never made carmels by myself, but i have helped my Mom when I was young.

(This is the key point. The recipie was in the costco cookbook they gave out the weekend after Thanksgiving. I didn't think that the recipe would make costco size portions. Four cups of cream and four cups of sugar should have been a tip off ... and its said, "make in stock pot") So I start mixing everything my favorite pot, The LeCruset dutch oven, thinking "This will be plenty big." OOHHHHH NNNNOOOTTTT SSSOOOOO!!! Once the carmel starting boiling it was clearly not big enough. Not even close.

Here is the visual. Carmel is boiling over. I am shrieking "I NEED ANOTHER PAN!!! WHERE IS ANOTHER PAN!!!" I find another pan, all the while I am trying to clean up the spills, not let the paper towels ketch fire, and stir the carmel, and not trip over the dog, and then I finally dump half of the carmel in pot number two. Then I really look stupid. I am whisking 2 pots of carmel at the same time, for 10 MINUTES. My forearms were killing me. This is the exchange between me and Zoey that made me realize how stupid I must have looked.

Zoey: "Mom, what are you doing?"

Me: "Stirring Candy."

Zoey: "No, you're dancing!" (she said this with jazz hands)
In the end, I missed the "hard ball stage" and ended up with an entire cookie sheet of carmel that was supposed to be chewy. Its more like Werthers hard candy, but way better. Now I am stuck with dilemma, What do I do? The carmel is good. I mean, really good. Do I give it away anyways, and say its hard candy? Or do I attempt it again, and hope for the best? Hmmm. dilemma...