Mar 28, 2008

Liam Mark is One Year Old!!

Happy Birthday Liam!! One year has truly flown by, and now
you are my sweet little one year old.

Liam at 2 weeks old. What a sweetie. Zoey loved him from day,

well it took a while, but she loves him!

At 4 months, he already is a Lady Killer...

This is Classic Liam. Suspicious Baby.

Liam at 6 months. So handsome.

Liam at 9 months.

Liam at almost a year. What a beautiful boy. I feel so blessed. I love having him in our home. He is always happy. He loves everyone he sees, and gives them a great big smile when you look at him. Going to the grocery store is so fun because I get complimented on how cute he is. Someone told me at Costco that I need to have a dozen of them because of how cute my first two are. Not so sure about a dozen, but a few more will be good. He is my little snuggle bug. He always puts a smile on my face, and every one he meets. Happy birthday to you, little Liam.

Mar 26, 2008

The Zoo

Well, we went to the zoo. The End. Haha Just kidding!! Let me start by saying that we had to wait for a half hour to park! Seriously! I guess it is spring break, and it was 66 degrees, so justifiably EVERYONE and there dog wanted to be outside.

After the parking fiasco, we met up with friends at the giraffe exhibit. Say what you will about the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, but that has to be the coolest giraffe exhibit ever. Zoey and Liam could spend hours there feeding those giraffes crackers. I bet I spent 15 bucks on those glorified wheat thins. It was worth it. Every time one of those nasty long black tongues would get near Liam he would squeal in delight, and then grab the giraffes tongue. He had great fun. The giraffe just looked at him like, 'What are ya doin', kid?' Zoey loved to feed them too! We had a great time. Damon ditched out on work, and waited in the long line to park, and came and met us there.

After a long day of giraffe feeding, monkey seeing, playing on playgrounds, people watching (one of my favorite pastimes, you get the wierdest people at the zoo. Sometimes I think it rivals a state fair...) and visiting what I fondly refer to as 'the bird cage from hell', we called it a day. As you can see from the pictures, we had a great time. Although I still smell like the zoo....

Mar 25, 2008


I hope you all had a great Easter. Ours was full of the usual events, but none the less fun and exciting for the kids. Saturday we met the Easter Bunny at the Y, made crafts and decided to scrap the Easter Egg hunt due to snow. Seriously. Saturday night was fun. A bunch of my girls went up to the outlets at Castle Rock. Hooray for Banana Republic. I had never been to the outlets, and I am in love with them. Gymboree had the cutest Easter outfits for Liam. I have been so frustrated by boy clothes. Girl clothes are sooo much more fun. Thus Liam got 2 things he needed and Zoey got 5 things she didn't. All in all, a successful shopping trip.

Funny little anecdote. I made rolls on Saturday for Easter dinner. 4 dozen rolls. 48 rolls. I left to go shopping and when I returned 3 hours later, there were 14 left. Zoey ate maybe 1 1/2, Liam ate maybe 2, and I ate one before I left. That means Damon ate, drum roll please. 29 1/2 rolls in one night. Gross. I guess that means I am pretty good at making rolls. I should take it as a compliment.

Sunday was the more eventful day. The kids woke up at 8, Damon got up with them, and I woke up at 9:30. I love Damon. He lets me sleep in. What a gentleman. Anyways, when I got up, we got the easter baskets ready and hid them for the kids. Liam got some books and a bunny, Zoey got a polly pocket type princess thing and a bunny ( these are stuffed bunnies), and they both got a missive amount of candy. They also really enjoyed the Easter packages sent to them by both sets of Grandparents. Thanks guys! So we spent the morning playing with the toys, and watching to see when Zoey would freak out when Liam got too close to her 'Cinalella' and 'Mr. Prince'. The horse and carriage was a particular draw to the boy. I can't wait for the day when she realizes that she is the big sister and can just get up and leave the room. One day.... Then we got ready for church. I must say my kids are pretty cute. They looked very spring-y in their Easter clothes. Church was great, lots of music about our Savior, great talks from great people, Easter is always wonderful. I left early when I heard from the Taylors that my brother was in the hospital from a wakeboarding accident. I called and found out that he is fine but did something to his knee. For those of you wondering, yes, this is the same brother that is getting married to Breaelle Taylor in 6 weeks. Luckily my Ortho is a family friend, and is getting Cody in quickly. He (my brother) is optimistic that it is just a sprain. I, on the other hand, am not so much. Having had major knee problems, I know to hope for the best, but expect and prepare for the worst. It is really swollen, and he goes on to get and MRI soon. I'll update you more later. What is kinda sad but funny is that the rest of my family is on vacation in Hawaii. He is all alone in AZ. Thank goodness we have a lot of other family there to take care of him. After I got all of that sorted out, I made Easter dinner, and more rolls. I miss my double oven. It was delicious. Easter is my favorite holiday meal. Ham and Au Gratin Potatoes. Damons mom has this recipe that is to die for. Ask me for it later. All in all a great Easter weekend.

I'll end with some Zoey-isms
Playing with her Prince Charming doll, and telling him," Mr. Prince, I have a nose booger!"

I was tucking her hair behind her ear and telling her how pretty she is, and she looked at me and said, "Stop playing with my hair!" I apologized, and then she said,"Its OK, now go eat your dinner!" It wasn't even dinner time...

Mar 21, 2008

Poor Baby!

We went to the doctors today. Liam has a double ear infection. He is on antibiotics, and I think feeling much better. He has been asleep of 2 hours so far.

On a brighter note, I won 'Comment of the Week' on Robins blog! I won for commenting on her senior photo and saying that she is a 'Betty'. You should look, What a knockout. Anyways, I won a big gulp. Right on. Thanks Robin!! I think I am going to call you Betty from now on...
Damon comes home tonight! After reading Michelle's blog about the masked men coming to kill her when she is by herself, I have not slept very well at all.
Happy Easter!!

Mar 20, 2008

I'm so bored

Damon is gone, I am stuck at home with 2 sick kids. I am so bored. :(

Hooray for Airborne!!

I have yet to get sick. That stuff is AWESOME!! Well, actually I have been taking whatever the target brand equivalent is, but whatever. I think the cran-water that Mom P. taught me how to make is really helping too. Thanks Nancy!! Liam is on day 3 of a fever. Tuesday it was 104, Wednesday it was 102, and today is 101. Its getting better? I should call the nurse at the Dr.'s and see if I need to bring him in. He slept really well last night, and seems to be in much better spirits, so I don't know if I should worry about making a Dr.s appt. Hmmm. Dilemma..

Zoey is doing much better but still has a bad sounding cough that makes me nervous to send her to pre-school. She acts totally normal. Poor girl has been bored out of her mind this week. No pre-school, no gymnastics, no 'sun beans'. Good thing the Easter bunny is coming this weekend. She is really looking forward to that.

Today is 'disinfect the house' day. Damon called to make sure I wasn't too OCD-ing it. I have issues when it comes to sick people in my house. But who doesn't, really... right?

Mar 18, 2008

My Favorite Addiction

SHOES!!!!! I realized today as I was buying my third pair of white peep toe wedges that I might have a teensy bit of a problem... Wanna know how I justified buying said wedges? They look better with denim than my other pairs. For being 4 1/2 inch platforms they are surprisingly comfortable and stable. Ya know what is really funny? The fact that Damon knows the difference between a pair of wedges and a pair of pumps. I have trained him well. Woahahahah.
Now I need to get a pedicure...

Zoey is still sick, and now Liam is too. Although I have to give the babe credit, he is by far the happiest sick baby I have ever seen. He won't sleep more than an hour, so I am going insane. Thus my need to shop for a totally unnecessary pair of shoes. Zoey will not eat anything. Its making me worried. We went and got a crabby patty today for lunch, which she normally devours, and she only ate 4 bites. Suggestions anyone? She is much better today, I think she will be alright to go to gymnastics tomorrow. Thursday I disinfect the house. Damon now is sick too. He just got home. Poor guy. I am just praying that I don't get this. Damon has a business trip from tomorrow to Friday late. Boo!! I might need to get another pair of shoes to console myself...

Liam loves his baths. Here he is, livin' it up in the tub. I have no idea where he learned this from. Sure is cute though...

Mar 16, 2008

Wow, she is really sick.

Zoey has not taken a nap since she was 2. She fell asleep on the floor next to Liam who was 'talking' on and on to his mega blocks. Poor little girl!
So I just had to post some more photos of the kids. What can I say, they are just to darn cute.

This one I love. It feels like you are moving with her.

We had a early first birthday party at my parents. Liam has a goatee just like Daddy!! This cracked me up.

The family. Cinny, Mom, Dad, Joey and Liam, Damon and Zoey, Me!

Our little Sickie

Zoey has a cold. This is the first time in 2 years that she has been sick. I am so blessed to have such healthy children. Zoey doesn't really understand what sick is. She does understand, however, snot. Everytime after she sneezes, she yells quite frantically, "I NEED A WIPE! I GOT A NOSE BOOGER!!!" This continues until Damon or I get her a fresh klennex ( it has to be unused, other wise we get the ,"EWWW!! GWOSSS!!!") and wipe her nose for her. What adventures we are having this weekend. Even sick, she still knows how to work a camera! Damon looks worse that Zoey, and he isn't even sick!

Mar 14, 2008

A fun little thing....

So my cousin Brooke had this on her blog, and I had a blast reading it. It was fun to fill out too!

1. What is your Hubby's name?
Damon Clayton Pullman
2. How long have your been married?
Six Years in July!
3. How long did you date?
Met in December, engaged in April, married in July 2002
4. How old is he?
31 in April. Yes, I like the older men, I'm 24. he he. ;0)
5. Who eats more?
Damon, for sure. He insists on using the big spoon and fork all the time too. Although Liam is already eating the same or more than us!
6. Who said I Love you First?
Well, I don't think it was 'I love you'. It was,"I think I am falling in love with you." Damon said it first. Fear of rejection much?
7. Who is taller?
Damon. 5'10'', I'm 5'3''. Thus my love of stillettoes.
8. Who sings better?
Rrriiiggghhht. Lets just say I would not subject anyone to either of our singing...
9. Who is smarter?
Damon said me. I think him. But lets go with me. ;)
10. Who temper is worse?
Mine. Someone once refered to me as a stick of dynamite with a really short fuse. I took it as a compliment.
11. Who does the laundry?
Kicking and screaming, I do it. I loathe it. Although I really love my new fancy front loading washer and dryer...
12. Who does the dishes?
We both do.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
14. Who pays the bills?
Damon, but I am the budget guru.
15. Who mows the lawn?
Damon. The one time I helped the lawn looked like it had a bad hair cut. Never Again.
16. Who cooks dinner?
Me!! I love to cook. I am a total food snob. I have a food network problem...
17. Who drives when together?
Damon, unless we are driving his Dad's new mustang. Then me.
18. Who is more stubborn?
We both are pretty laid back... Although I will not compromise a few things...
19. Who is the first to admit they are wrong?
Depends. I'd say 50/50. Neither of us have a problem admiting we were wrong.
20. Who parents do we visit most?
Mine? They both live in AZ so I try to break it up evenly.
21. Who Proposed?
Damon. He wrote a poem. Its was so sweet.
22. Who has more friends?
I'd say me. I have a lot of really fabulous friends!
23. Who has more siblings?
Me. I am the oldest of 5. Damon is the middle of three.
24. Who wears the pants in the family?
Me. I always know what needs to be done. Not saying it gets done, but at least I know what going on...

10 years ago... I was in high school at Mountain View High School. I could run 10 years ago. Makes me sad...

5 things on my to due list today
Clean the house for weekend.
Shower ( yes, I know, very sad that that makes my list)
Get ready for youth service auction tonight
Complain that is snowing outside (check!)
Go to gym

What I would do if I were suddenly a millionaire...
Take a trip with the family, take a trip with just Damon, buy a new camera and a few lenses, and buy a pair of monolo blaniks.

Three bad Habits...
Diet Coke,
Coke Zero Vanilla,
Diet Dr. Pepper...

Six places I have lived...
Snowflake, AZ
ShowLow AZ,
Mesa, AZ,
Queen Creek, AZ,
Colorado Springs, CO

5 jobs I have had...
Life Gaurd
Swim Coach
Wife and Mother

5 things people don't know about me....

I won't let my kids wear anything character. I let Zoey have a nemo and a princess swimsuit last year and I HATE all the pictures. No shirts, shoes, ANYTHING.

I am a budget nazi

Damon and I met in Mexico... how exotic right?

I am a chocolate snob. Big time.

I was hit by a car when I was 16. Many subsequent surgeries...

I tag....everyone who reads my blog! Pick one or do both! Can't wait to read yours!

Mar 12, 2008

Bedtime Ritual

I love having a 3 1/2 year old daughter. Every night, without fail, when I go in to say goodnight to Zoey, she will say, "I love you mommy." I will lovingly tuck her in, and then she will say my most favorite thing. "Now shut the door, and snuggle me." It makes me smile every time, and it never gets old. I will miss that when she grows out of it. My little snuggle bug.

Mar 9, 2008

The Engagement Photos

After over 350 frames, they narrowed it down to three. Aren't they great!?

Mar 3, 2008

The AZ Experience

The week was insanely wonderful.

Outside every day! Over 70 degrees every day! Swimming, yes I said swimming, in February! Who can top that! The chillins loved playing outside whenever they pleased, especially Zoey. She would ask multiple times a day if you “wanted to go play outside with Nixon.” She loved that dog, and Nixon was probably really glad to see us go. Between Liam and Zoey, the poor animal was teased, pulled, and provoked constantly.

I gained seriously 5 pounds, and loved every pound. Good Mexican food, and in-n-out! I love it. Bajio twice for lunch, Tia Rosas, Ned’s, Putsy’s, Z-tehas, Barros. AHHH I miss good restaurants.
Monday, quite simply put, was outside. We played outside all Wednesday, went to an outdoor mall and walked around and played on a playground. Zoey was in heaven. Liam was frustrated by his hat. But he sure is cute. Mom bought me this adorable jacket at Ann Taylor. This kills me. The totally fabulous outdoor mall is 10 minutes from our old home! WHY!!!??? For FHE we had a lot of people over and launched marshmallows at Goliath. It was awesome to spend time with the fam.

Tuesday was the Zoo. Mom and I kidnapped Corinn from my old stompin’ grounds, Poston Junior High, and went and got Ned’s. Then we headed to the Zoo. Zoey I think got a little frustrated because the animals were much further away than the Zoo here. But we had fun. Liam was frustrated by his hat, again. He really liked the squirrels that were following us due to the constant trail of gold fish crackers behind us. Tuesday night I met up with Damon and went to dinner and then went to the hot tub at the resort where he was staying with the company. I was totally exhausted that night.

Wednesday was chill. Hangin out with the family. Went swimming with Kaija and her 3 girls, and then went to Joey and Cinny’s b-ball game. They did really well. Liam could not stop watching the game, or climbing all over the bleachers.

Damon was done on Thursday. We picked up Joey from school, and then picked up Damon. We met Cody and his friend Joel at their favorite place to get lunch, Putsy’s. I think that is the worst name for a restaurant. They have all things fried and it was actually really good. Liam loved the fries. The best part about it was honestly the cups that the soda comes in. Mom and I have a code for soda. We say, I need a putsy. The cups are perfect for soda. I love it. Cody is bringing me more when he comes on Friday for engagement pictures. I need a putsy.

The weekend was great. Playing outside. Taking pictures outside. Fabulous. I now really appreciate being able to go outside when ever you want. I am really looking forward to living there soon.

I have to brag about Damon. He ended the year 16th in the company. Get this. He was disappointed. He wanted to be in the top 12, or what is called Presidents Club. That was his first full year in the company. He totally rocked it. I am so proud of him.

What a great trip. Totally worth every penny. You know its good when you don't want to come home after a week. Oh, get this. Whe we got home, its snowing. Miserable, windy, snowy, yuck. Seriously. Its a sign. I am so over it.