Dec 20, 2009

~orange blossoms~

Yesterday as we started the 16 hour drive to Mesa for Christmas, Damon said, "We get to smell the orange blossoms again" I got really homesick and my excitement for Christmas with our families grew exponentially. I'll admit. I really am not liking Houston too much. It hasn't really felt like Christmas. No friends to invite over, no Christmas goodies delivered to the door, it just felt pretty bleak.. Houston is what it is. And we will make do. But the promise of Orange Blossoms and family made it finally feel like Christmas, and made me think of why Christmas is so special. Its about family traditions, friends, and celebrating the birth of our Savior.

To all of our friends and family spread far and wide, we love you, we miss you, and we hope that the sweet spirit of Christmas is in your life.

Merry Christmas!



3 thoughts:

Bekah: said...

If you are staying for a while and have some free time and want to get together with our girls, call me: 503.970.7574.

I am sorry your move has been hard. Your description made me sad. I hope you have a holly jolly time with your family.

larainydays said...

Having you home is sweeter than orange blossoms.

Chelsi Chipps said...

I totally know what you mean about this year not feeling like Christmas. This was the first year that I didn't go back to AZ for Christmas and it seriously sucked. I was so sad. I'm glad that you got to go home and spend time with your family!

I get to see mine in a week, so I am VERY happy about that!!