Jul 14, 2010



The problem is three fold...

1. Since November we have lived in Houston, where there is nothing to do but go out to eat. There is a doughnut shop in every strip mall for Pete's sake.

2. We have recently moved, which means the desire to cook has flown out the window. Combine problem one with stress eating. Not pretty.

3. With the move, I have had ZERO time to go to the gym. Mainly due to packing, and stress eating.


I went shopping today. I tried on lots of pretty dresses. They are the same size that I was wearing, but lets just say that there are now pooches where there used to be muscle. I left with no pretty dresses, and two pair of spanx.

3 thoughts:

Amy said...

It won't take you long to get it back! Just go to your new, awesome, Y!!

Robin said...

When I saw the title of your post i expected to see beautiful pictures of newborns in pastel blankets.

Honey - it will take you like 3 weeks to get back into shape. Do it already!

Kelly Ovard said...

Really? You, soft? I have to say, I don 't believe it. I love summer, and changes, but for some reason having discipline in any area seems to be impossible. Once school starts and a routine is set, I'm sure it'll just take a minute!