Jan 4, 2011

Life on pause

I visited my doctor today. Twelve weeks, two days, couldn't find a heart beat. Thirty minutes later I'm waiting outside the ultra sound room alone praying that this wasn't happening. Not again. Damon and I praying, me in Austin, he in New Jersey.

Finally the moment of truth, and it revealed a healthy little drumming heart, and a squirmy baby to go along with it. All 3.5 inches of it.

I am so grateful. I have been so sick, or so busy with holidays that I didn't really bond with baby. I didn't know how much I loved it till I thought it was gone.

So take a minute to hold and love who you have. Don't take anything for granted. It all can change before you know it.

6 thoughts:

Erica Huff said...

Oh my! What a horrible experience! I've been there but with a different outcome. I am so glad that they were able to find the heartbeat and all looks well! I'm crying - so happy for you!

Chelsi Chipps said...

I am so happy that you were able to find the heartbeat! I'm praying for you Rach! Love you!

Diana said...

Oh, I'm so glad you and the baby are doing ok. Another friend of mine had the same experience just about a month ago and everything was fine, too. Both of you have gone through something I haven't--that 30 minutes or so of freaking out. I'm so so glad its okay. Now, go bond with the baby! And check my blog soon for news of baby gender. My ultrasound is tomorrow :) xoxo

Boyer Family said...

I'm so glad it all turned out great. What a long time that 30 minutes turns out to be. I went through that same thing a few years ago with a sad ending. Not anything anyone should go through. I pray that the rest is uneventful. Congratulations.

Sam and Melissa said...

So happy to hear to had a happy ending. This hit a little too close to home - I actually finally got pregnant, but only for a few days:( When I went in for bloodwork at 5 weeks they called and said I had already miscarried. I can't imagine how that would be after 12 weeks of being pregant. So glad everything is ok.

Anonymous said...

when i read the first paragraph i started crying... but i am so relieved everything is okay. no fun, no fun at all.