Oct 27, 2007

I got my road bike!!

Yesterday was a treat. Damon took the day off and hung out with the family. We went to Ascent Cycling and got my bike fitted, and the shoes and clips. I am ready to go. It is the most awesome thing ever! I rode for a half hour and could have rode forever. It is such a great workout, I am really sore today. Good thing its too cold to go out. I haven't felt worked out so well since I was running. 8 years ago. I can't believe its been that long. I feel so grateful that I've found something that I can compete in. Damon is going to get one in a month.

Zoey had fun at the bike shop. She kept calling all the bikes, "My tricycle." The two guys that own the shop thought she was a hoot. What a silly goose.

We had a disasterous date on Friday night too. We went to see transformers at the dollar theater, and the movie broke. So we went to get some sushi, and the restaraunt closed at 9:45, and we arrived at 10. Who closes at 9:45 on a weekend? Seriously? So we came home to a dissapionted babysitted who didn't make as much as she thought. We just watched a CSI rerun and went to bed. What a hot date. Tonight doesn't count as a date. Adult session of Stake conference never counts.

I'll never figure out the weather here. Yesterday was beautiful, and today is freezing!! Tomarrow is going to be beautiful again. Its always cold on halloween. Everyday next week is mid 60's, except halloween. 51, with a low of 35. Seriously.

Love ya!


Go Sun Devils!

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