Sep 28, 2009

Potty Patrol

Like I said earlier, Liam is OBSESSED with the potty.

He has a sixth sense. If he suspects you of using the facilities, he will scream, "POOT!" and run to the bathroom to observe. Now, when I say observe, I mean squat down so he can see if he can get a better view. Sometimes he even tries to move you. Its awkward, to say the least. Zoey tries to be nice, and says, "Liam, please go out. Shut the door, you're buggin' me." Sometimes he obliges, most of the time, he doesn't. Then its the screaming from the bathroom. "MOOOOOMMMMM!!!!! LIAM IS NOT LETTING ME BE MODEST!!!!!!" When you finish, he starts the potty dance. Hopping around the bathroom yelling, "YAY POOT! YAY POOT!"

Now its a race to get to the bathroom and lock the door before he gets there. 2 year old boys are so much fun...

2 thoughts:

Kelly Ovard said...

Rachel, that is seriously odd. And awkward. Is he interested in making the "poot" himself? Seriously, good luck at locking the door.

larainydays said...

Oh Rachael, from the calm, elegant wedding photo on your last post to this! Life comes at you fast huh?