Dec 7, 2010


We saw our little peanut today. I've never had an ultrasound this early!! There he/she is!! In all his/her fetal glory!!
I am eight weeks.
I am really really sick.
I am even more really really tired.
I am due in July.

10 thoughts:

Meagan said...


Robin said...

Yay! another beautiful baby! I am very happy for you.

larainydays said...

That is the cutest little peanut I have ever seen.

Angie said...

How exciting! Congratulations! I hope the first trimester flies by and you start feeling better soon. :)

Natalie Francis said...

Congrats! Sorry you're sick... its the worst! Try some ginger-ale :)

Diana said...

I'm seriously so excited for you but certainly hope you get to feeling better soon. If you've read our blog lately you might find the news that I'm in the same boat you are? The question mark is because I'm still in a state of shock and may be forever. Bagels and cream cheese are my life line right now. That and Marc's nightly take out run--whatever fits the bill each night :) I'm sure Damon is doing the same.

Berly said...

I am so excited for you, but sorry so sick. Another summer birthday - YAY!! I hope you get to feeling better soon. All your excitement reminds me of when we were pregnant together. Now are little babies are almost 4. Memories...

Anonymous said...


Brandon and Camille Smithson said...


I hope you don't mind me posting something. I found your blog completely by chance (actually, Brandon did). Congratulations on your newest "peanut"! I hope you start feeling better SOON!

Bekah: said...

When you make them so cute, why stop.

Sorry you are sick.