Dec 16, 2010


Ok so this is one of those posts that I may or may not regret posting, but I am too excited to care. I thought about posting it on facebook, but I think more people would see it and so I am posting it here.

I woke up this morning and I did the routine. Zoey off to school dressed like Cindy Lou Whoo, Damon off to work, Liam off to preschool, ect. Sometime in the midst of that I found time to get ready and low and behold, a Christmas miracle.

I outgrew my A-cup bra.
(commence hallelujah chorus)


I would also like to thank the pregnancy hormones that made this possible.

8 thoughts:

Amy said...

HAHAHAHA!!!! That is hilarious! Oh, and Congratualations!!

Brooklyn said...


I'm so proud :P

Jessica said...

It's a Christmas Miracle :)
I love the 6 or seven times a day, right before I nurse James, where I'm a C cup.

larainydays said...

You crack me up Rachael

Berly said...

JEALOUS!! It is a Christmas Miracle. Send some miracles my way...

Natalie Francis said...

You are hilarious!

Colette said...

Ummmm.... So I check your blog once every 6 months or so, I might need to change that to once a year.

Angie said...

Awesome. Seriously one of my favorite things about pregnancy is that miracle as well! Enjoy it while you can, right? :)