Mar 29, 2011

Birthday Boy

Liam Boy is 4. F-O-U-R. How on earth did that happen!!?? Enjoy the Liam photo montage.

Liam about a year?
Liam at 18 months.
Quite possibly one of my favorites of Liam. Ever. 4 months old.
3 days old
9 months old

Liam is my boy. I can imagine what I would do with out my little man who keeps me busy. He is my protector. I mean, how many little boys constantly check on you to see if you are okay? Or if 'bebe sister' is okay? And the proceeds to teach her how to play legos?

I am so grateful for this little man.

Happy Birthday to my sweet Liam Boy.

3 thoughts:

larainydays said...

Thanks for the pics. They will tide me over until I get there.

Diana said...

Your favorite is my favorite, too. He looks so serious and focused. Adorable. Aren't 4 year old boys fantastic? I have one, too!

maxwell said...

I love that little man. Great photos