May 29, 2008

Assume the Best, Look for the Good.

I keep saying this to myself while I do yoga breathing in my bathroom with the door locked avoiding my children. Yesterday was not my finest day as a mother. Zoey is a perpetual whiner. I can't hack it. At times, I am down right mean. After watching Zoey whine through and entire hour of gymnastics, I about had a melt down right there in the viewing area. I think Michelle and Melanie were a little freaked out. Sorry guys. I calmed down a little when I got home and talked to Zoey. I was feeling a little less frustrated when Miss Kathy (her gymnastics teacher) called me and said that she thinks Zoey should wait to move to the advanced class until she gets her whining under control. After that I felt like I had failed as a mother. I was so frustrated, and disappointed. I didn't know what to do. Then I thought of my Grandma Flake. The most Christ-like person I know. What would she do. Every time I went to her house when I was little, I loved this little 3x5 green card that had written on it, Assume the Good, Look for the Best. And then it came to me. To break her of this habit, every time she whines, she goes to her room. Then I think of all the things that are good about Zoey. She spent 4 hours in her room yesterday, so I had a lot of time to think. I love my little Zoey. She is so sweet and don't know what I would do without her. There are times that I feel like I just can't do it anymore. This is when you find me locked in the bathroom, breathing deeply, repeating over and over my amazing Grandmother's mantra, "Assume the best, look for the good." Sometimes, its all I can do. I can't tell you how much this has helped me. I was so focused on the negative things about my daughter, I couldn't see the good. She is really an amazing girl. This made her so much easier to deal with. When she whines, she goes to her room, and I think of things that I love about her. Today she has only whined once, and she went to her room with out me telling her to. She is smart, beautiful, brown eyed, spunky, loving, and I love that she at least tries everything. I need to be more like my mother and grandmother. Assuming the best and looking for the good in people, situations, and life. No wonder they are so happy. My Grandmother had 11 kids. 4 girls, 7 boys. All of her boys went on missions. All of her children are married in the temple. All of her children and spouses are active in the church. My Mother is a wonderful woman. I love that she is such a rock in the gospel, and has raised me and my siblings so well. I really believe that comes from seeing the in your children, and looking for the good in them. Even when they whine constantly and literally drive you nuts. Assume the Best, and Look for the Good. Try it. It works.

6 thoughts:

Robin said...

I think you are a good mom (with very cute kids and I think cute kids can get away with whining longer than non-cute kids). I really like that quote and might post it on my fridge.

I think your whine time out is a brilliant idea.

Jen and Kent said...

It was so good to read your post and to know that it is not just me that looses sometimes (okay, I loose it on a regular basis!) Thanks for the awesome reminder to take a break and think of the good!

Berly said...

I know it can be really hard and we all lose it at times. I think the time out thing is a great idea and I found myself doing that alot. Someone once told me before you get upset with your children think of something you love about them. Thanks for the reminder and hang in there. We love your kids and love you a ton.

daveanddebbie said...

I think we all feel like you at times and the quote is a perfect way to get through those difficult days. Thanks!

Hans and Michelle said...

I was a little freaked out. But only because I've seen myself there. And it's not so pretty! Mainly I felt badly for Zoey. I'm glad you've figured it out. I need to give that a try. Especially with all the hot, summer hours ahead of me. I did go do yoga today though. Om.

Emily said...

Hey--I'm Robin's sister--cute shoes! I have days like these. But the reason I'm commenting--is because of YOGA! I LOVE my yoga classes. You must take Robin with you to a class--maybe a beginner class. I think she would love it, but I'm too far away to take her to mine.

I have a secret wish for all my sisters and mom to start practicing yoga, and then we'll all go on vacation to the cabin or the beach and do yoga in the mornings and read all day, play games at night, stay up laughing and talking and eating...ahh...

One of my mantra's (borrowed from a friend): "I accept myself deeply and completely." I love it.