Feb 1, 2009

Why every woman should watch the Superbowl

You may dread the Super Bowl. Six hours of your Sunday every year with your husband glued to the TV. There is nothing to distract him. The first superbowl of our married life I walked around the house naked for a half hour before he noticed. I was hurt. Then I decided to get on the band wagon. Enjoy it. After all, you get to watch this guy parade around in tight white pants.
What's not to like?

4 thoughts:

Chelsi Chipps said...

hahaha... did you really?? I would attempt that today during our first suberbowl, however, the in-laws are here, and I doubt that they would be cool with it. haha.

I agree with the reasons to watch the suberbowl. gotsta love the tight pants!


Bekah: said...

LOL you are too much. We aren't much for the Superbowl here so Michael would for sure notice ;)

Valeri said...

Thanks for a good laugh. I needed one.

Anonymous said...

did you get your pictures?