Apr 17, 2010

The Calm Before the Storm

This is what I call Saturday night. The night before Church. The night before Primary. The night before Chaos. I am still not used to people looking to me for answers, teachers, insight, and inspiration. I can't get used to certain people calling me "Prez" every week. I can't help but think someone else should be doing this because all I can think of is, "Quick! Someone find me a diet coke so I can think this through properly!" All I can say is thank goodness I was at least inspired enough to have the BEST counselors and secretary known to woman-kind.

Its almost go-time.

wish me luck.

7 thoughts:

larainydays said...

Rachael, you and your Dad go through the same deep breathing every Saturday night. You're in it together. We're with you sweetie.

Robin said...

You under-estimate yourself every Saturday night too. I think you are fabulous!

Bekah: said...

I do not doubt for one minute that you are doing an amazing job. All of those little kids under your love and care and creativity are LUCKY!

Amy said...

Everyone believes in you!! You are doing an awesome job and I am lucky enough to be able to see you in action! You gave a great inservice message today, too!!

Joey said...

Good luck Rach! I'm sure you will/are/did do great.

Diana said...

ahh yes, i remember that feeling all to well. it's a little surreal for a very long time but you'll get used to it about the time they release you. at least that's how it was for me. i'd beg to differ--i had the best counselors and secretary known to woman kind :)

Valeri said...

I'm sure you're doing an awesome job! Hang in there. Before you know it, it'll all be second nature.