Sep 9, 2010

What I learned at Curriculum Night

Tonight was curriculum night at Zoey's school. I arrived a few minutes early to ask a few questions about how Zoey is doing. As soon as I sat down at Zoey's desk, Mrs. Johnson came to me giggling. She says, "I have to tell you a story about the second day of school."

me: "Oh Boy." (sighing in nervousness)

Mrs J: "After the pledge of Allegiance we have a minute of silence and reflection. The kids are supposed to stand. I looked around and thought Zoey was still sitting, so said to Zoey, 'Honey, you need to stand up!', and she said, very offended, ' I AM standing!!!'

She is that short. Her first grade teacher thought she was sitting down! I was laughing hysterically. Hope you did too. If it didn't, this photo will at least get a chuckle out of ya.

Jumping off the back of the boat, Lake Havasu

7 thoughts:

larainydays said...

Breaelle and I are laughing our heads off. That is a GREAT story. Love the picture too. We need to make another "Flight" video.

Bekah: said...

Hilariously adorable.

Bekah: said...

ps: please post pictures of your new home!

Joey said...

haha that is classic. I can totally picture it.

Robin said...

She is such a cutie!

Sam and Melissa said...

Rach, that is so funny. Hey guess what? There is a slight possibility we may be moving to Texas. Sam has been out of work for a few months and we are starting to look that direction... looks like there are a few more available than here in Provo that way :) And I require warm weather, which it offers!

Amy said...

THAT is a great story! I Love it!!