Feb 2, 2011

Food for a mothers soul

Every Tuesday and Thursday I wake little Liam up early to get ready for school. It has been a particularly cold couple of days here in Austin, and so Liam was completely covered in quilts, with blanket dot covering his head. I poked around to find him in his quilts and when I did he sat up and with one eye open and in croaky little voice said,

"Wanna nuggle?"

and made room for me on the bed under the covers.

We were a little late to preschool that day, but it was so worth it.

5 thoughts:

Diana said...

Heck yah, that was worth it. I wish my little boys would say that. I have to beg them to snuggle.

Amy said...

awww, what a cutie! We miss you guys!!

larainydays said...

He is a champion nuggler. I hope he never learns to pronounce it correctly.

R A C H A E L said...

Laraine, it might be a little weird when he's 30 if he can't pronounce snuggle correctly. Damon

NancyMams said...

We loved those "nuggles" at Christmas & sure do miss them from afar!! It's a long draught of non-nuggles til July ;(