Dec 30, 2007

The Denver Aquarium

Saturday we went to the Denver Aquarium in down town Denver. It was a blast. The kids loved it. Zoey was running all over the place, and she loved the otters. There was one that kept doing backflips off the wall in the water. She laughed and laughed. The colorful frogs were also a favorite, and the tigers. After she was all done at one tank, she'd day, lets go find more fish, or lets go to the next one! She ran the whole thing. Liam loved watching the fish swimming and couldn't figure out why he could not touch them. He'd poke the glass and then look at his finger like it was broken. all in all, a very fun family outing!

3 thoughts:

Brooke said...

Great posts Rachael! I'm glad you had a great Christmas, it's so fun with kids! I am trying to convince Melissa and Sam to get with it but no luck so far.

The Aquarium looks so fun, you guys are so good about getting out and doing fun things with yous kids! They will have such fun memories when they are bigger.

Hans and Michelle said...

Hey! Sounds fun. How long did it take you to drive there?

R A C H A E L said...

It only takes about an hour at most to get up there