Aug 3, 2009


Due to an alarming post emailed to me by my protective Mom, I have decided to make 'The Pullman Family' private. Its a protective measure. Ill re-post the original because she has (surprise) already gone private.

Hey family and friends!! I am going private REALLY SOON. I never thought I would...but I just experienced a really big freak out.

just let a friend of mine know why I am in such a frenzy to set my blog private. She encouraged me to let you all know what happened so you too, can be educated about this new search engine recently launched by Microsoft. I'm going to be blunt and bold about this SERIOUS situation we are dealing with people...I have SITE METER attached to my blog spot but unfortunately I have been really bad about checking it for unusual visiting sites this past year. To be honest, I have always been very trusting and thought that I could never be the one whom wackos actually target and stalk so I rarely have made efforts to check. Tonight I chose to click into it and directly on the first page I noticed an unusual website that had viewed my blog. Curiously, I clicked onto it to see what it was. The site contained dozens and dozens of images. I began looking closer at them and come to find out there were some VERY inappropriate pictures. I clicked out of the site immediately and sat there talking to Brett about my concerns. We both became VERY worried. The more I sat there, THE MORE SICK TO MY STOMACH I WAS. IF THIS PAGE HAD DIRECT AFFILIATION TO MY BLOG, THEN THAT MEANS THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THAT THEY HAVE A PICTURE OF MY KIDS OR FAMILY ON THAT PAGE. With out hesitation, I went right back to that page. I was so scared of what I was going to find. There were hundreds of pictures on that page and I looked through each one very quickly but efficiently when all of a sudden I FOUND A PICTURE OF MY SWEET TAYLIN. Yes, a picture of my sweet Taylin on the same page as pornographic AND child perverted pictures. I then returned BACK to my site meter to look for other sites in direct affiliation with my blog. I found a different website that had come to my page 5 TIMES THAT INCLUDED A PICTURE OF RIDGE WITH HIS LITTLE BUNS SHOWING AS HE WAS SITTING ON THE TABLE DOING DISHES. I'm just sick right now. My sweet innocent children so exposed. I FEEL SO VIOLATED AND SCARED.I immediately googled the website BING to find out more about what it is. I then went to WWW.VOICEFORTHECHILDREN.BLOGSPOT.COM to see if I could find anything. Here is an explanation of what this website is. BING:The major problem with Bing is that it has brought pornography directly into your home or office. Porn is no longer a few clicks away.When you search on Bing, you no longer have to click to go to a different website to view porn. All you have to do is roll over the thumbnail image of the video on the video will begin to play snippets of the pornographic video.Imagine the harmful effects if a child is searching on Bing and merely rolls over the image and instantly the child is watching a porn video.This is completely unacceptable and irresponsible of Microsoft to launch a program such as this without a solution to block pornographic videos.DO NOT USE BING AND ESPECIALLY DO NOT LET YOUR CHILDREN SEARCH ON BING!!*Do yourselves a favor and add VOICEFORTHECHILDREN to your blog. My uncle, Jeremy Geigle, is President of Arizona Family Council and between him and a few other family members, they are SO diligent about keeping this blog up to date. They want nothing more than to educate all of us on how we can keep our families safe and protected from the pornographic world. As ruthless as it is, I hope I DID scare a lot of you. We stay so sheltered and ignorant thinking it will never happen to us...but let me tell you people, CHILD PORNOGRAPHY IS EVERYWHERE. Let me remind everyone too that Phoenix now is the #1 kidnapping capital in America. With out question, I'll be making my blog private VERY soon.

I don't think I need to say anything else. Pornography is a monster tearing at the already weakened moral society we live in. It is something I HATE. I HATE what it does to people, what it turns them into. I HATE how accessible it is. I HATE how accepted it is in our society. Its viewed as normal or even healthy. I HATE IT. IT IS WRONG. It is disgusting. It ruins marriages and destroys families. I can't even describe the feeling I get when I think of someone exploiting a child in any way, even if its taking a photo off a blog. My children especially. If you are one of those people and you are reading this, there is a special place in hell reserved for people like you. Get some help.

I will protect my children in any way, shape, or form I can find. And for this purpose, that means going private. I would urge all of you especially with beautiful young children to do the same.

Now that you all think I'm a little extreme, lets switch gears. I love keeping in touch with all my blogging friends, so please leave your e-mail or if you don't want to leave it for the world to see, you can e-mail me at a temporary email address.

10 thoughts:

Meagan said...

Kristi said...

We went private a few months ago because some person we didn't know commented and put us on their "blogs we follow". We have no idea who he is. I e-mailed you an invite but think it was not a good e-mail address...

Carol T. said...

Carol Toone-

Greg and Elisha Reese said...

Sam and Melissa said...

Melissa Bates:

larainydays said...

Natalie Francis said...

Jen and Kent said...

Colette said...

I went private a long time ago because I was worried about all the medical info I was putting on the blog about Micah. It never even crossed my mind that evil people looking to exploit children would be looking at it. It definitely makes me sick and so glad I went private. Thanks for the info. My email is colettehatch AT gmail DOT com and Derek's is derekhatch AT gmail DOT com.

Alyson said...

I figured going private would happen sooner or later for all of us. gmail. Thanks!