Mar 5, 2010

Too many movies

A few days ago, Liam insisted on watching "March of the Penguins" It was captivating for both kids. About five minutes into the movie, Zoey asked me,

"Mom? When are they going to talk?"

She didn't really understand that people do make movies where animals don't talk.

Thursday I was at the grocery store. Liam saw a man who was on the large side, clad in a white t-shirt, and a red and orange hat. He then yelled,


I keep telling myself he didn't hear Liam, but I'm pretty sure he did. Maybe he has never seen Toy Story 2? I guess its payback telling my Mom she had huge panties in the grocery store restroom when I was about the same age.

1 thoughts:

larainydays said...

Oh no, you have not yet been sufficiently paid back for the "large panties" comment.