Sep 13, 2008

My Little Zoey

The things I love about you

The way you talk
You already want to find a 'prince' and get married in the Temple
You are such a girly girl
The way you play with Liam
How much you love to play pretend
You are so independent already
Its amazing that you are true to yourself at such a young age...
You are my little nudist
You are an artist
You love music
You want to be a ballerina
You love me, even when I don't deserve it
You are growing up way too fast, but you are in no hurry to either

My Zoey, I love you

5 thoughts:

Bekah: said...

she is so adorable. love those deep big brown eyes! what a sweet post. and aren't we lucky to be loved unconditionally by these sweet little girls who always encourage us to do better!

Unknown said...

she is going to appreciate this SOOO much as she grows up. mom's are so often see as the hardball and for her to read such great things is awesome!!!

Natalie Francis said...

How sweet! I think little girls are just the greatest. I am still in love with all your photos. You have a great talent!

Brooke said...

There's lots to love about her, that's for sure! What a sweetie.

Berly said...

we love Zoey over here.