Mar 20, 2008

Hooray for Airborne!!

I have yet to get sick. That stuff is AWESOME!! Well, actually I have been taking whatever the target brand equivalent is, but whatever. I think the cran-water that Mom P. taught me how to make is really helping too. Thanks Nancy!! Liam is on day 3 of a fever. Tuesday it was 104, Wednesday it was 102, and today is 101. Its getting better? I should call the nurse at the Dr.'s and see if I need to bring him in. He slept really well last night, and seems to be in much better spirits, so I don't know if I should worry about making a Dr.s appt. Hmmm. Dilemma..

Zoey is doing much better but still has a bad sounding cough that makes me nervous to send her to pre-school. She acts totally normal. Poor girl has been bored out of her mind this week. No pre-school, no gymnastics, no 'sun beans'. Good thing the Easter bunny is coming this weekend. She is really looking forward to that.

Today is 'disinfect the house' day. Damon called to make sure I wasn't too OCD-ing it. I have issues when it comes to sick people in my house. But who doesn't, really... right?

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