Apr 18, 2008


So my D300 is coming today. I have checked UPS tracking site like 50 times today. I am not leaving the house. I have things to do, gym, return some things, drop off Bridal shower invites, shop for some groceries for the weekend. But not until my D300 is in my home and charging. I am litterally crawling out of my skin with excitement. I took a 3 minute shower, becuase I didn't want to miss the UPS guy. I didn't blowdry my hair becasue I wanted to hear the door bell ring. I even took down the 'please knock' sign during Liam's nap. I have issues, and I'm OK with that...

4 thoughts:

Berly said...

I am excited for you Rach- I hope you get it soon.

jenn and flay said...

I'm glad its finally here. Feel free to use my kids as test subjects anytime:)

Robin said...

I guess it came because you were standing on my doorstep yesterday.

The nicest camera I ever had was $300. I want you to show me all the cool things your camera does and post lots and lots of pictures on your blog.

R A C H A E L said...

Will do!