Apr 20, 2008


So- This will be a lot of photo babble, but I have to tell you all how amazing this camera is.

I know this is of Polly pocket princesses, but I was playing around and it came out really cool! This was taken at night with NO FLASH at 3200 ISO. 85 mm lens F1.8 ss60. NO NOISE! For those who are reading this, 3200 ISO is like a really fast film speed. Really sensitive to light. But, also really grainy, which is called noise. The D300 is amazing because they have figured out a way to shoot at that 2000+ ISO with no noise! My flash use just got cut in half...

ISO 250, ss1000, f 7. LOVE that it keeps a exposure log for me.

I love how the shutter release feels. Like Butta. And the whole 51 point focusing thing is super fast and AMAZING! I took over 30 frames of Zoey on the swing, expecting to get 5 or 6. All of them were crystal clear. I am so impressed. Needless to say, Nikon has made huge strides in digital SLR market. Canon cannot touch them anymore. I know 3 photographers that have switched to Nikon because of the D300 and the D3. For a pro photographer, that is huge. If I switched to canon, I would spend about 10 g's just to replace the equipment I have.

I love this because you can see me holding the camera in my glasses lens.

Playing with my fancy lens. I was trying to confuse the camera's focusing ability, but it did exactly what I wanted. I would have had to manually focus my D70 to get this shot.

I am in Love...with a camera...

3 thoughts:

Berly said...

I love the picture of Zoey. How fun for you-

Anonymous said...

Ok, I can't see your camera in your glasses. It's a cool camera though. Thanks for the comment on my dress

xcdenke said...

You are such a camera NERD! I love it and you! You are too funny. Great pictures; they are so beautiful and vibrant. It's pretty incredible the difference a really nice camera makes.