Jun 14, 2008

I've been tagged...

I've been tagged...
* Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
* People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
* At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment on their blog and tell them they’ve been tagged, and to come back and read your blog for the whole story

1. One of my biggest ambitions is to have a pair of flats and pumps in every color. Shoes make the outfit, in my opinion.

2. I would leave Damon if Bono ever came to my door and had to have me...I LOVE U2. They are the best live band I have ever heard. If you have the chance to go, I highly recommend you do.

3. I hate Tomatoes. Ever since I was little. I got older and wiser and forced myself to eat them because they were 'good for me', and I got salmonella poisoning. !!!!!!!!?????

4. I have no idea what my natural hair color is.

5. I was born in Arizona, grew up in Arizona, went to elementary, junior high, and graduated high school in Arizona. Got married in Arizona. Thus, Colorado is very odd to me...

6. How hard I work out one day is based on how many calories of crap I ate the day before. (Tomorrow is going to be a long workout...)

7. Sometimes I day dream that I am a character in a movie or book, most of the time stealing the hot guy away from the damsel in distress. Wonder what that means about me...

8. I love high quality sheets. Nothing better than crawling into bed with some high quality cotton sateen sheets...and Damon...

Sorry! I got kinda sick of these, but then Lisa tagged me and her answers are strangely insightful. It made me wonder what some people would post. So I tag Jenn, Michelle, Rachel, Debbie, Paula, Brooke, Kim, and Robin. I am expecting strange and insightful things ladies!

2 thoughts:

Rachel said...

You're right that is insightful, and fun!

Robin said...

"Sometimes I day dream that I am a character in a movie or book, most of the time stealing the hot guy away from the damsel in distress."

I am in distress and my husband is HOT. So please...control your urges. It wouldn't turn out very good.

Thanks for tagging me. I will try to come up with some witty clever answers to your tag.